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 Thank you for supporting education in our community!

Proceeds from the Fall Fund Drive support two initiatives:

1. Coe Elementary's PTA Staffing Grant

Your donation supports critical resources for Coe students - including reading specialists, academic tutors, librarian time and more!

The Fall Fund Drive is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year, with proceeds supporting Coe's PTA Staffing Grant. With your generous support and a suggested donation of $250 per family, Coe's PTA can meet our $82,000 fundraising goal to fund vital educational resources for our school. 

2. Licton Springs PTO 

As part of our 2023 Fall Fund Drive, we are excited to support the Licton Springs K-8 PTO in their fundraising efforts. Located in Ballard, Licton Springs has a Native-centered curriculum with a focus on social justice and equity. Please consider making an additional donation to this community gem and their priority initiatives.

To make your donation:
1. Enter a dollar amount in the "Yes, I want to make a donation" section below
2. Click "next"
3. Designate your support to Coe PTA or Licton Springs PTO.
If you want to make a donation to both initiatives, please go through the donation process twice, designating your donation once to each initiative. 

Yes, I want to make a donation!


Does your employer offer charitable matching? Be sure to take advantage of your employer’s charitable gift matching program to double or triple your donation - and your impact! - for our Coe community.


Coe Elementary PTA Tax ID: 91-1005216

Licton Springs PTO Tax ID (May be listed as Sir Herbert Read Consortium): 91-7900952


If you have any questions or concerns about your donation please contact the Coe Elementary PTA Treasurer, Ginger Holt at treasurer.coepta@gmail.com